虛擬荷蘭全球化跨國公司 夢幻企業 |
| 英文 | 中文 |
Organizations and Relations
EBN: European Business and Innovation Centers Network SMEA: Small and Medium Enterprise Administration TGN: Taiwan Globalization Network CBIA: Chinese Business Incubation Association |
TGN Taiwan Globalization Network 簡 介 TGN: 是在荷蘭成立的非營利基金會, 為引導台灣企業拓展歐洲市場的引導者 . 作法 :1. 與各相關機構共同合作促進台灣企業拓展歐洲市場 2. 建立架構與步驟 引導台灣企業拓展歐洲市場 The main role of TGN in MoU between EBN and SMEA 1. Advice and assistance to EBN on the implementation of the MoU 2. Advice and assistance to SMEA on the implementation of the MoU 3. Cooperation with CBIA on the implementation of the MoU 4. Advice and assistance to CBIA to help European incubation centers and their members. 5. Coordination with Taiwan incubation centers to help their members. 6. guiding the members of Taiwan incubation centers to developing European market. To get support and subsidy from EBN and SMEA (from December of 2011 to November of 2013) 1. administration expenses 2. coordination personnel costs 3. framework setup costs by website and its maintenance 4. data base costs for all kinds of information Do implementation 1.To setup a framework to guide the members of Taiwan incubation centers to develop European market by website which expect to plan in December of 2011, ready in January and start to run in February of 2012. 2.Constantly give advice and assistance to EBN, SMEA, CBIA, incubation centers of European and Taiwan. |
National Taiwan University Innovation and Incubation Center |
國立台灣大學創新育成中心 |
National Ciao Tung University Innovation and Incubation Center |
國立交通大學創新育成中心 |
SMEA Kaohsiung Software Incubation Center |
經濟部中小企業處高雄軟體育成中心 |
National Tsing Hua University Innovation and Incubation Center |
國立清華大學創新育成中心 |
SMEA Southern Taiwan Science Park |
經濟部中小企業處南科育成中心 |
SMEA NanKang Software Incubator |
南港軟體育成中心 |
SMEA NanKang Biotech Incubation Center |
經濟部中小企業處南港生技育成中心 |
Southern Taiwan University Incubator |
南台科技大學創新育成中心 |
Incubation Center of ITRI E-MAIL |
工業技術研究院創業育成中心 |
National Cheng Kung University Technology Transfer and Business Incubation |
國立成功大學技轉育成中心 |