TBAF: 是在荷蘭成立的非營利基金會, 為引導台灣企業經營歐洲市場的領航者 .
:1. 與各相關機構共同合作促進台灣企業經營歐洲市場
2. 建立領航拓歐系統引導台灣企業經營歐洲市場
The main role of TBAF in MoU between EBN and SMEA
1. Advice and
assistance to EBN on the implementation of the MoU
2. Advice and
assistance to SMEA on the implementation of the MoU
3. Cooperation with
CBIA on the implementation of the MoU
4. Advice and
assistance to CBIA to help European incubation centers and
their members.
5. Coordination with
Taiwan incubation centers to help their members.
6. guiding the members
of Taiwan incubation centers to developing European market.
Do implementation
1.To setup a framework
to guide the members of Taiwan incubation centers to develop
European market.
2.Constantly give
advice and assistance to EBN, SMEA, CBIA, incubation centers
European and Taiwan.
Globalization Network – TGN)
http://www.hezelburcht.nl/en/hezelburcht.aspx |